Issho –Taiko Clothing

Issho –Taiko Clothing


Hachimaki (hah-chee-mah-kee) - a rectangular piece of cloth that is twisted to make a headband. This is used to keep the sweat out of the performers eyes.


Bachi (bah-chee) - these are a taiko player's drumsticks. In many Japanese religions the bachi are believed to be the links between the heavens, the player, and the sound of the drum. Because of this special relationship the taiko performers try to take really good care of their bachi.


Happi (hap-pee) - This happi or happi coat is patterned after those worn in the Japanese festivals or matsuri (ma-tsoo-ree). They come in a variety of styles and colors.


Obi (oh-bee) - This is a long piece of fabric that wraps around the performer many times and is tied off at the end. It serves as a belt to keep the happi from coming undone.


Tabi (tah-bee) - They're kind of like mittens for our feet. In Japan, carpenters used to wear tabi while they worked on roofs of houses. When they were finished with work they would put on their slippers while still wearing their tabi and walk home. Tabi are worn in martial arts and traditional dance. For taiko we have rubber soles on the bottom so we don't slip around when we play.