I Love Birthday Parties

I Love Birthday Parties!



Of all the holidays my family celebrates, I think birthday parties are the best. The really great things about birthday parties are, of course, the presents and the food, but I especially like it when all of my family takes the time to get together and have fun.


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Who doesn't like to get presents? My family is really good at keeping secrets so I am always surprised by what I get. They are also good at figuring out just what I want. Often, the presents are things like games that I can continue to have fun with even after the party has ended.


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The next best part is the food. Everyone in my family really likes to eat so there is always a ton of great food. My auntie always makes her famous spaghetti and my cousins bring bags of M & M's and Snickers. My mom makes me my favorite spice cake with caramel frosting and my dad buys Baskin Robbins butter pecan ice cream- YUM! We eat so much we can hardly move.


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Finally, I think getting my family together is the best part of all. I don't always get to see my auntie and cousins so it is a treat when they can come. My cousins are about my age so we really get along together. My auntie really cracks me up- she is so funny! When she and my mom get together they sing all kinds of silly, crazy songs. My family is really important to me.



So you can now see why I like birthday parties so much. Its not just the present and the great food, I also love spending time with my family. These are the memories I will keep with me as I get older.